Rivington Street; I went into a store just down the road called Start ('where fashion meets rock and roll') I am thoroughly keen on everything about the store. from the lighting, interior, store layout, brand identity, stock, features, seating areas, the main thing being the individual bespoke feeling, and service provided.
There are 3 stores alone on one road, Being mens, womens and another with what seemed to be mixed and general stuff.
The womans store looked like this.
We went onto Charlotte Road (Just off Old Street) and into Three Threads
Yes, it did look like every other 'skater store' that should be supplying Vice, but even though I weren't shopping there, I felt comfortable enough just walking around taking pictures talking to people and nicking magazines to fill the sketchbook.
Whilst sitting on the mental 'L' shaped sofa, reading Carhartts's autumn/winter book I got talking to a guy who was sitting next to me. I asked if he worked there as he seemed pretty chilled out with a beer, reclining on the sofa. He replied
'no, im just getting drunk'
I gave an awquard laugh, and he explained that he had spend loads of money in the store, and asked for a beer which they had in the fridge behind the counter. He then asked what I was up to, and I told him I was collecting research for my project (cut a long story short: trend prediction for 2012) Wearing a red bandana on his head and rolled up jeans by his ankles, he told me they would be the 'hit trend' for 2 years to come. (Im pretty sure thats what people are doing now and have been for the past 2 years?) But any-who, I agreed with him, and said good day and he wished me luck in the future. As I was leaving, a guy who worked there handed me a bag full of booklets and catalogues of what they stocked in the store.
What a pleasant place to 'hangout'. The staff were so outgoing and approachable, which obviously gave an effect on the type of person that would want to shop there. This proved another shopping experience I had never had before (Again not having been in there before, or wanting to buy anything)
I would be happy enough to go back in there just for the banter.
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